domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

Extra credit assigment 3: ANCIENT MIDDLE EAST


Fertile crescent: is the area of good growing land between Persian Gulf and Eastern Mediterranean.
Mesopotamia: land between rivers (Tigris and Euphrates).
Sumer: an area in lower Mesopotamia. The modern nation of Iraq.

Babylon: the central city of the Babylonian empire.
Overlap: to share the same space or time.
Ziggurats: a pyramid-shcaped temple
Cuneiform: wedge-shaped marks in clay. A way of writing with straight lines.
Oral tradition:
Empire: large political unit combining states, cities, and territories.
Code of Hammurabi: set of laws created by the babylonian king Hammurabi.
Criminal law: contains the crimes sanctions.
Civil law: personal and finantial issues.
Business contratcs: are agreements between two-more parties that involve doing and getting something.
Taxes: money collected by the state to run the goverment with.
Performance: doing something.
Consideration: getting something.
Obligation: something you must/have to do.
Breach of contract: broke the contract.
Metal ore: rock with metallic content.
Smelting: to extract gold, metal, from rocks.
Alloys: combinations.
Durable: strong.
Neo: new.
Satrap: the governators of the provinces of the Persian empire.
Coinage: process of making coins.
Numismatics: the study of coins and their relationship to history and art.
Sea traders: people who commercialize by sea.
Colonies: a distant place that a state controles.
Model of influence: that is admired so it can modify things.
Alphabet: a way of writing based on the sound.
Innovations: new ideas.

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