The succesion crisis is very related with the video, because it is about a king who was the 52 in the line for the trone. Great Britain lost his king who was catholic, but thanks to the problems that Britain had with him. The people who were in charge of accomplish the line to trone, decided that the next king must be protestant. There were 51 memebers who weren'r protestant. They found this guy who was a king in Hanover, a little German town; that could be king. They came up and told him he is the new king of Great Britain and that he didn't have to stop being king of Hanover (he was king of two countries). In other words he was a foreign moarch.
Family relations in the house of Hanover, weren't good. George I supported the Whigs (wanted to restrict royal power) and distrusted the Tories (traditional monarchy supporters). The whigs had many benefits, so with his desitions Great Britain recovered political stability. After some time, the whigs began to fight between them, and they start to see the Hanovers as pigs. George I and George II began to have tension in their relation, when George I went to a six months trip to Hanover. The custom said that the son should be left as a regent, but George the I left another person in charge. Even if the king's son had limited power he was still the head of the government. He and his wife exploted all the benefits of that. George I was jelous of his son popularity, so when he returned he began a public war relationship with him.
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