miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

History readings

History readings

Over the past years there have been many interesting discoveries, such as the head of Afrodite, an ancient 
Roman mosaic, the Trajan's Rampart, 159 pristine Roman Gold coins, the remains of the fort massacre on Öland, Viking silver, and the fact that Cclimate change caused angry runts.

Head of Afrodite:

The head of Afrodite was found in Antiochia ad Cragum on the southern coast of Turkey. Antiochia was established at the time of Emperor Nero in the first century. Arqueologist were excavating the part where ancient Roman mosaic, found last year, was. It is a piece of a moumental sculpture. 

the important thing of the discovery is that changed the way of see history. How? Before this head was found, historians believed that Antiochia was to insular to be heavily impacted by Rome, but now this head proved that this region was part of the overall Greek and Roman traditions. 
There have been more statutes, but centuries ago Christians burned them, because they were considered pagan iconography. 

Arqueologist continoued to excavate the western area were they had found the head and they found the other half of the ancient Roman mosaic of a pool. This mosaic is from the late second or early third century. Although this was not everything, because arqueologist found another mosaic. Thanks to those discoveries arqueologist began to believe that there was a temple, but it is unsure. 

Trajan's Rampart:

It ran 60 km. from Dnube to the Black Sea. It would measured 3.8m tall and 8m thick.
It served to protect the Empire from invasions. It was built in 3 different dates.

what I liked from this discovery is how it was discovered. Some military planes took photos from the air. It was discovered during a military surveillance. What I dont finish to understand is how the country led the goverment who took the photos, publish them, or why this photos didn't cause any conflcit between the countries. I don't like much the idea of an external country spying what I have in my land or what I am doing. 

159 pristine Roman gold coins

Near St. Alban a youth car salesman decided to go on a treasure hunt. With a metal detector for beginners he first found 40 Roman gold coins. He contacted the local Portabke Antiquities Scheme Finds Laison Officer. In October some local officials, the finder and the store guy went to where he had found the coins and began to search. They found 119 coins. The coins were stuck in Milan. They had the five Emperors' faces (Gratian, Valentinian, Theodosius, Arcadius and Honorius). The surprising thing is that they where in excellent coditions, just as the day they were made.

This discovery is important, because it is one of the largest collections of solidi ever found.  
This kind of findings seem funny to me, because I don't believe in the treasure hunts, so for me is something almost incredible to happen. 

Remains of 5th century fort massacre 

On Öland, during an excavation, arqueologists have found five skeletons felled by violence. They were found in a single house inside the courtyard of a fort.
This is how historians believe this people died: There was a walled city in Scandinavia during the migration period, which was full of violence. The people from the city had their houses and had a meat-based diet, so they ate well. But one day some mean people entered to the city, the walls and the dfenders failed. Those people killed everyone. This masacre was so awful that the death bodies had faces full of suffering and pain. 
The site after its destruction wasn't plundered and also the killers didn't take the riches with them. This was unusual. 

Viking silver:

David Taylor found a viking ring in Inishargy, while he was helping his brother to remove stones from his newly plowed field. He saw the object and it semed valuable to him, so he sent some pictures of it to the local museum experts. They said it was a viking arm ring. Is thought that monastereries were raided by Vikings in the 9th century, so the Vikins settled in Ireland. The religious sites were used to keep valuable items; the arm ring was found near a medieval church, so that is the reason why it was near a church. 

Climate change caused angry runts:

Now historinas say that "any natural or social factor that causes resource depletion may lead to general crisis". 

This conslusion seem to me very logical, because if we run out of food, people will be hungry and if we continue to do not have food people will starve. There are many things that cause the depletion of resources, an example coudl be the climate changes. Climate changes cause that many plants stop to grow, because the climate where they were used to flourish do not exist anymore. 

It is so funnny how people find valuable and historically important things. Many of them find them in a treasure hunt, others find things by accident, or other people find somethig that is valuable, but they never know it. 

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