lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013



Agora is a movie about the fall of the Roman Empire and about Hypatia. 

The movie took place in Alejandria, Egypt. It is the epoch when the Roman Empire was starting to convert into the Cristianism. 
What I remember from the movie is that the Cristians, the egiptians and the Jewsh were in conflict because of religious reasons. Cristians were spreading over Alejandria, but the egiptians didn't want them there. Egiptians and Cristians fought for being the dominant religion. 
One day the Cristians were in the temples of the Egiptian's gods. They were mocking at them. They were also trhowing them food and laughing because they didn't answered their questions. The egiptians were upset, because of the cristians' insults, so they decides to attack them. Hypatia was not agree with that attack, but her father approved it. So many students and workers of the library took their weapons and ran to the temple where the cristians were. There they surrounded them and then they attacked. A lot of people and crsistias died that day, but after a while more cristians arrived and they were winning, so the egiptians had to run into the library to be safe. There the egiptians closed the huge doors of the library and waited until the cristians went calm. The egiptians lasted a few days locked i the library until the emperor sent a message that said that teh egiptians must share the library with the cristians and that they must open the doors of the library in that moment. All the philosophers were atonish, the cristians were going to destroy everything, so they tried to save all the could. Hypatia was one of the most concerned. She had a slave named Davos,he was in love with her. Hypatia treated him bad so he became upset. when all the egiptians were leaving the library Davos returned and helped the cristians to destroy it. 

After a few years Davos become a cristian soldier and Osteres (an old student of Hypatia, he also loved her, but she rejected him) became a kind of governator of Alejandria. Hypatia lived with Osteres, there she had her little library and her own place where she can study and investigate about the planet movements. After the confrontation between egiptians and cristians the Roman Empire devided in two. The religious conflicts continued, but now cristians were atacking jews. The Jews complained with Osteres, but he didn't do anything. Cristinas attacked other religions and they were intolerant. The Jewish stoned them in revenge and a lot of cristinas died. Beacause of that incident cristiasn started to press Osteres to convert all  Alejandria into cristianism. 

Osteres loved Hypatia so the bishop of that epoch accussed her of whitchcraft,he had to kneel so the cristians will not fight anymore, but he did not kneel, so the cristians were mad and one of them threw him a stone into the head, so he was killed by the soldiers. After that Osteres warned Hypatia, so she can be safe, but Hypatia didn't want to loose her beliefs, so she went out to the street where the cristians were waiting for her. she was captured, Davos ran to the temple where she was. There she was naked, he felt so bad for her that he killed her before the cristians stoned her. 
That's the end of the movie. 

I liked the movie a lot, beacuse it was a combination of action and love. I also liked the cruelty showed. I was atonished when Cyrilo (the bishop) read some passages from the Bible that said that women is nothing and that they should stay quiet without thiking. I disagree with him in all the aspects. He considered Hypathia an obstacle so that is why he accused her of witchcraft and then the parabolans killed her. Cristians were not that merciful as they said. If I had lived in that time I would have followed Hypatia's posture of do not have any religion. All the religions at that time were cruel. The has a little about how exaclty the Roman Empire fell. 

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

Extra credit assigment 5: MAPS




Fertile crescent


Akkadian Empire

First Babylonian Empire

Hittite Empire

Assyrian Empire

Second Babylonian Empire

Persian Empire

Phonecian Empire


Ancient Israel

  Modern Iraq (was anceint Sumer)

 All the content here is not of my property, all the images including the concept map are from internet. 

Extra credit assigment 4: JUDAISM


Torah: the first 5 books of the Bible. Jewsh. (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers).
Pentateuch: the first 5 books of the Bible. Christians.  (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers).

Famine: a shortage of food. No food.
Shortage: not enough.
Promised land: Israel.
Crop failure: crops: plants grown for food. Crops do not grow.
Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Western monotheisms: Judaism, Christinaity, and Islam. Religions of one god.
Diaspora: people separated from their homeland.
Network: jewish connected all over the world by letters.
Economic niches: a small space in something. A purpose. 
Anti-semitsm: being against jewsh.
Monotheism: to believe in one god.
Chosen people: the one that was picked for something.
Covenant: agreement.
Prophets: people visited by god, who communicated with him.
Patriarcah: Father. Men were in charge.
Ethics: moral standars of behavior.
Disproportionate: more than could be expected. Disbalanced.

Extra credit assigment 3: ANCIENT MIDDLE EAST


Fertile crescent: is the area of good growing land between Persian Gulf and Eastern Mediterranean.
Mesopotamia: land between rivers (Tigris and Euphrates).
Sumer: an area in lower Mesopotamia. The modern nation of Iraq.

Babylon: the central city of the Babylonian empire.
Overlap: to share the same space or time.
Ziggurats: a pyramid-shcaped temple
Cuneiform: wedge-shaped marks in clay. A way of writing with straight lines.
Oral tradition:
Empire: large political unit combining states, cities, and territories.
Code of Hammurabi: set of laws created by the babylonian king Hammurabi.
Criminal law: contains the crimes sanctions.
Civil law: personal and finantial issues.
Business contratcs: are agreements between two-more parties that involve doing and getting something.
Taxes: money collected by the state to run the goverment with.
Performance: doing something.
Consideration: getting something.
Obligation: something you must/have to do.
Breach of contract: broke the contract.
Metal ore: rock with metallic content.
Smelting: to extract gold, metal, from rocks.
Alloys: combinations.
Durable: strong.
Neo: new.
Satrap: the governators of the provinces of the Persian empire.
Coinage: process of making coins.
Numismatics: the study of coins and their relationship to history and art.
Sea traders: people who commercialize by sea.
Colonies: a distant place that a state controles.
Model of influence: that is admired so it can modify things.
Alphabet: a way of writing based on the sound.
Innovations: new ideas.

Extra credit assigment 2: ANCIENT EGYPT


Silt: to fill, cover or obstruct./ A material made of sand and clay.
Upper Nile: the farthest part of the Nile to the ocean.
Lower Nile: the nearest part of the Nile to the ocean. 
Pharaoh: the egiptian ruler consider a living god. 
Delta: a fertile triangle-shaped area.
Polytheistic: when you believe in many gods
Deity: god.
Vizier: a chief minister.
After life: life after death.
Mummification: to amke into a mummy by embalming and drying the body.
Looted: stolen.
Grave-robbers: people who steal the treasures from tombs.
Monuments: structures meant to serve as physical reminders of famous people and events. Memorials.
Memorials: objects that help us remember. 
Embalming: the temporary preservation of the body for funeral ceremonies. 
Wakes: showing teh body in its casket.
Morticians: funeral director. People who supervices or conduct the preparation of the dead.
Egyptologist: an arqueologist that specializes in Egiptology.
Monotheistic: to believe in one god.
Patron: a person who pays to scholars, artis, musicians, etc, so they can continue their important work. 
Archive: a library of historical materials. 
Asia Minor: It's between the black sea and the Mediterranean.
Decline: loose strenght, power, importance.
Hieroglyphics: an egyptian form of writing. Pictures and symbols used to represent objects and ideas.
Papyrus: a plant that grew a long the river, used to make paper.
Scrolls: a roll. An acient book written on such a roll.
Demotic: a way of writing, but it was simpler that hieroglyphics. 
Caligraphy: the art of writing.
Decipher: to decode. To read or interpret. 

Extra credit assigment 1: PREHISTORY

Prehistory: vocabulary

Glaciers: thik sheets of ice. Huge pieces of ice.
Hunters: people who kill animals in order to eat them.
Gathering: to pick any eatable thing.
Nomadism: To move from one place to another.
Tribes: samall groups of people.
Gender roles: the things that a person must do refering to his gender. Women did the gathering and men did the hunting and fishing.
Technology: branch of knowledge, new process, new tools that for a new way of getting things done.
Animism: to believe in spirits and forces.
Polytheism: to believe in many gods.
Monotheism: to believe in one god.
Cultures: separate human groups with their own behaviors and practices.
Sedentarism: to settle (stay) in a place.
Civilization: orginized semi-permanent human societies.
River valleys: A large are of land irrigated by a river.
Delta: a fertile triangle shaped area.
Irrigation: to move water to where you need it, creating canals.
Canal: an artificial waterway.
Navigability: the quality of being suitable for the passage of a ship.
Specialization: to become specialized. To focus in some thing.
Artisan: a skilled manual worker.
Exchange of value: when you have something you can exchange.
Economy: the managment of resources.
Surplus: more quantity of what is needed.
Barter economy: Direct trade.
Money economy: the use of money to exchange things.
Status: is a state, condition or situation.
Social class: Are the levels in society.
Hierarchy: System with levels.
Social mobility: to move from one socail class to another.
City-states: An independent entity whose territory consist of a city which isn't administrated as a part of another local goverment.
Public works: architecture, bridge, canals, etc.
Legal systems: laws.
Hederitary ruler: A leader that becomes a leader, because of inheritance (his father was already a leader).
Inevitable: unavoidable.
In-breeding: people who marry and have kids with close relatives. A brother and a sister, between cousins,
Slave: a person who work for another, beacuse he belongs to someone.
International trade: I want something you have, you have something I want; let's exchange(is between nations).
Empire: The territory as a unit. Extense one. Has territories and nations ruled by the same person.
Administration: The management of a goverment.
Cultural diffusion: the spread of new ideas.
Pictograms: drawings that represent words.
Ideograms: symbols that represent an idea, word.
Phonograms: The alphabet. Letters that represent sounds.
Alphabet: set of letters.
Scribes: a public secretary.
Manuscript: a book, document written by hand.

domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

The Sumeria civilization

The Sumeria civilization was the first of all. It started in Juncos, Iraq. They settled the bases for the mesopotamian civilization in the age of 3500 B.C.   
The people lived in Madifs (they were made of juncos). They invented an irrigation and agricultural system. This caused the growth of the alimentary resources. They used to sow in furrows, so that's why they suceded in agriculture. Their main crop was the wheat. They made bread, gachas and also a drink. In 3000 B.C. They invented almost 30 different types of bear. For 1500 years , sumerian dynasties lived in prosperty until the third of them (2000 BC).

Uruk was another city of Sumer. The sumerians venerated the agriculture god in the Zigurat, they had more gods.
In 3000 BC, the metroplois started to appear. The Sumerians had a sewer system.
With the development of the irrigation and agricultural system became the need of an administration. Then the people wuth authority became leaders or "Legals" (means head of the state).
Its architecture had a lot of arches. Sumerians also invented the writing symbols, thanks to the need of register their economical activities. They satrted writing numers. They inclinated the symbols 90°, because was easier to write. The anciest sumerian pictograms are from the 3100 BC.

domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

The Silver Pharoah Mystery

The Silver Pharoah Mystery

The Egypt history has a dark age. This age is called the intermidiate period (1069-525 B.C.) During this period Egypt passed trhough economic downturns, civil war, and a country spid between North and South .
Before this age, the ruler of Egypt was Ramses II, the most famous pharaoh in all the Egyptian history. Cleopatra ruled after the dark age. Egypt has had around 170 pharaohs.
Psusennes was the pharaoh at the intermidiate period. He ruled Egypt from 1097-1001 B.C.
Psusennes was discovered by the professor Pierre Monter in the 30's. He discovered a vast temple in Tanis. This temple was dedicated to Amun. The temple was walled. When Monter was exploring the temple he fell down in a chamber, a royal tomb (from 850 B.C.). There Monter noticed that the chamber where he fell, was already opened, but he didn't give up, he digged farther from the first chamber, surprisely he found another chamber. This one was intact and it had a sarcophagus.
Inside the sarcophagus was Psusennes. Its casket was forge in silver. Something very rare between pharaohs, because they usually forge their caskets with gold; however, inside the casket, the death mask of Psusennes was solid gold.
Because of the World War II, the excavation was closed. Hitler was going to invade Egypt.
Psusennes was a strong, healthy, and powerful man. He had a short body (his height was 1.66m), he was a little bit fat in my opinión. He succeeded as a leader, because he had a strong body and he was long lived. He ruled for 46 years (the longest period of reign in Egypt).
Psusennes was a pharaoh and a high priest. High priests were important and wealthy people. They run businnes, they were political leaders and they also could control military forces. There was a time when high priests had almost the same power than the pharaoh. Psusennes became wealthy and powerful by using his family conncetions (his father and brothers were high priests), making political marrying, and alliances.
His most impressive contribution was that he rescued an old capital city, Pyramses. Pyramses was where the pharaoh Rameses II ruled. Psusennes ordered to bring all the monuments from Pyramses to the place he ruled, Tanis.  
He died very old, at the age of 80. He had a disease in his back, he also lost a lot of teeth. A theory of why does Psussennes decided to use silver instead of gold in his casket is:  "that silver wouldn't be cheaper, it was not as expensive as gold, but the amount of work in the craft involved was considerable" (Jon Privett).The casket was 19 kilograms of pure silver.