domingo, 8 de septiembre de 2013

The Sumeria civilization

The Sumeria civilization was the first of all. It started in Juncos, Iraq. They settled the bases for the mesopotamian civilization in the age of 3500 B.C.   
The people lived in Madifs (they were made of juncos). They invented an irrigation and agricultural system. This caused the growth of the alimentary resources. They used to sow in furrows, so that's why they suceded in agriculture. Their main crop was the wheat. They made bread, gachas and also a drink. In 3000 B.C. They invented almost 30 different types of bear. For 1500 years , sumerian dynasties lived in prosperty until the third of them (2000 BC).

Uruk was another city of Sumer. The sumerians venerated the agriculture god in the Zigurat, they had more gods.
In 3000 BC, the metroplois started to appear. The Sumerians had a sewer system.
With the development of the irrigation and agricultural system became the need of an administration. Then the people wuth authority became leaders or "Legals" (means head of the state).
Its architecture had a lot of arches. Sumerians also invented the writing symbols, thanks to the need of register their economical activities. They satrted writing numers. They inclinated the symbols 90°, because was easier to write. The anciest sumerian pictograms are from the 3100 BC.

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