domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

Extra credit assigment 1: PREHISTORY

Prehistory: vocabulary

Glaciers: thik sheets of ice. Huge pieces of ice.
Hunters: people who kill animals in order to eat them.
Gathering: to pick any eatable thing.
Nomadism: To move from one place to another.
Tribes: samall groups of people.
Gender roles: the things that a person must do refering to his gender. Women did the gathering and men did the hunting and fishing.
Technology: branch of knowledge, new process, new tools that for a new way of getting things done.
Animism: to believe in spirits and forces.
Polytheism: to believe in many gods.
Monotheism: to believe in one god.
Cultures: separate human groups with their own behaviors and practices.
Sedentarism: to settle (stay) in a place.
Civilization: orginized semi-permanent human societies.
River valleys: A large are of land irrigated by a river.
Delta: a fertile triangle shaped area.
Irrigation: to move water to where you need it, creating canals.
Canal: an artificial waterway.
Navigability: the quality of being suitable for the passage of a ship.
Specialization: to become specialized. To focus in some thing.
Artisan: a skilled manual worker.
Exchange of value: when you have something you can exchange.
Economy: the managment of resources.
Surplus: more quantity of what is needed.
Barter economy: Direct trade.
Money economy: the use of money to exchange things.
Status: is a state, condition or situation.
Social class: Are the levels in society.
Hierarchy: System with levels.
Social mobility: to move from one socail class to another.
City-states: An independent entity whose territory consist of a city which isn't administrated as a part of another local goverment.
Public works: architecture, bridge, canals, etc.
Legal systems: laws.
Hederitary ruler: A leader that becomes a leader, because of inheritance (his father was already a leader).
Inevitable: unavoidable.
In-breeding: people who marry and have kids with close relatives. A brother and a sister, between cousins,
Slave: a person who work for another, beacuse he belongs to someone.
International trade: I want something you have, you have something I want; let's exchange(is between nations).
Empire: The territory as a unit. Extense one. Has territories and nations ruled by the same person.
Administration: The management of a goverment.
Cultural diffusion: the spread of new ideas.
Pictograms: drawings that represent words.
Ideograms: symbols that represent an idea, word.
Phonograms: The alphabet. Letters that represent sounds.
Alphabet: set of letters.
Scribes: a public secretary.
Manuscript: a book, document written by hand.

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