sábado, 25 de enero de 2014



Witchcraft is considered the practice of black magic. This means that people sell their souls to the devil in order to adquire powers or sexual pleasure. A witch has to prick her finger and draw a cross with her blood over a sheet of paper.

Many years ago people believed in witchcraft. They were scared by the demon. This fear was introduced by the puritanism. Which is a very conservative religion. This religion belived in witchcraft and they punished it with death. They hanged a lot of women and a few men. The main reason of witchcraft was to rid off of difficult people. This religion was originated in Salem village. A little farming town where people argued over land and money.

There was a time when people started to have fits. The first case was two little girls who started to have violent fits for no reason. They were the daughters of the puritanism church minister. After many days of fits the poeple started to believe that this attacks where caused by invisible witches. However, this case wan't the only one. Fter it there came many more.

I think that the main cause of this fits were the traumas that the church was responsible for. This church was so conservative and strict that children lived with so much preasure that they couldn't handle it. There is one child that witnessed the murder of her family and she grew up with a lot of traumas so she was one of the many girls who said that they could see the witches spirits.

This video stressed me a lot. I agree that this is a great and interesting topic, but I just can't believe the atrosities that people did because of witches. It is pretty hard for me to see all this injustices. Now we don't bbelieve in witches and I am thankfull that I didn't live in that epoch. Nevertheless I often wondered to go back and tell them that all the things they said about does women were "bullshit" (sorry for the word is just that it really annoys me). When I was watching the video I imaginated that I was one of those accused women, I was wondering what would I tell them if I where accused; well I concluded that if they asked me to say names I would say them: what happens if I say the name of you daugther or your or maybe your name (pointing to another person) It could be anyone, but you wouldn't know who. Probably they would kill me, but I will be satisfied.

In the video a scientist mentioned that the sallem people suffered from some pshycohological diseases it was something about mass pshycogenic disorder. They had a mass hypochondria.

The judges of the courts weren't objective, because they believed in what the people said.

The nowdays witchcraft is primarly for money. Priest in Africa gain money from makin exorcisms to little children. They say that they can identify a witch by just looking into the child's eyes. Priests make tough cleanings, they can be a little violent. I am disappointed with this people that cheat on people and on children just for money. It is pretty sad.

I personally don't believe in witchcraft, but I have doubted if it exist or not.

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