sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

History Song

Song's name: Alexander the Great
Writer: Iron Maiden- Steve Harris
Year: 1986

Here is a fragment of an interview made to Steve Harris the writer of the song Alexander the Great, where he talks about it:

"[...] My most ambitious composition is certainly 'Alexander The Great', a story based on true facts. When we started working on the LP, I was immersed in the story of Alexander The Great, a man who had a fantastic and incredible life. I fell in love with him and, quite naturally, I wrote the song and the lyrics, all this within two weeks. I must say that I'm very proud of this track".

This means that Steve wa sinspirer because of the greatness of Alexander's life, so he just wrote the song.

Steve's real name is: Stephen Percy Harris. He was born in England, on march 12 of 1956. He has 57 years. He is the main bassist and compositor of the mheavy metal band, Iron Maiden. He is also a producer. He satrted his musical career in 1971 until now.

Personally I like Iron Maden's music. It is allitle bit hardcore for me, but I like it anyways. I recently discover that I like trash metal. I don't like death metal. becuse it is too hardcore.
From all the song that I hav Heard from Iron Maiden, this one is my favorite.

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