domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

Diomede islands

An enclave is a part of a country totally surrounded by another nation's territory.
An exclave is a separated territory of a country that is surrounded by another nation's territory.

The Dromede islands may not be a perfect example of an exclave or enclave, but as I considered them very unique and interesting, I decided to talk about them. 

This island are located in the middle of the Bering strait (between Alaska and Siberia). They are also known as Gvozdev islands by the Russians. One of the islands is Russian and the other one is North American (U.S.). The little Diomede is US property. It has a population of 150. The big Dimede is inhabited and is russin property. 

What is interesting for this islands is that they're separated by the international date line. This means that while in little Diomede the dawn is just to brak, in big Diomede is a new different day (if in little Diomede is Monday, in big Diomede is Tuesday). Another curiosity is that you can walk from one islandto another while the water is iced during winter. 

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