domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014


Talleyrand and Metternich
     Europe was passing a time of change during the XVIII and XIX century. The main events during this two centuries were the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era, which brought numerous conflicts between the European countries. The French revolution took place in France in 1789. It was led by Napoleon Bonaparte, who ruled from 1799 to 1815. During this period of change France and Austria had two very important diplomats who were the leaders in the foreign affairs of each country; Klemens Von Metternich (Austria) and Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand (France).
     Metternich and Teyllrand have many things in common and many differences too. The main difference they had is that they were born in different countries, one was French and the other one was Austrian. Another difference between them is that Metternich was a conservative and Talleyrand a liberalist. Metternich’s main interest for Austria was to keep the old regime, this means to continue with an absolute monarchy; while Talleyrand changed his mind from conservative to liberalist. (Biografias y Vidas, 2004-14).
     Even if they have many differences they also have some similarities. For example, Metternich and Talleyrand were born in wealthy and noble families. According to Wikipedia, both were diplomats and politicians. Metternich was the minister of foreign affairs for 27 years, while Talleyrand was changing his position in the French government. He was also the minister of foreign affairs in France, but he also was a priest before turning to the government politics. He had many positions, according to Wikipedia, he was member of the Constitution Committee of the National Assembly, Ambassador of France in London, Member of the National Institute, etc.
     Now making emphasis in their careers, both were excellent diplomats. They had many social skills. Both could sympathize with the diplomats of the other countries and turn things into their favor. Personally from the two I consider Talleyrand a more skilled man, because he could make “miracles”. Even though his abilities were mainly cheating and manipulating, he got everything he wanted. He even betrayed the church and many of his allies, and he controlled somehow the famous French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte. A very good example of the greatness of his abilities is that even if he wasn’t invited to the Congress of Vienna, he got in. in the other side Metternich, according to Marjie Bloy, senior Research Fellow, National University of Singapore, was consider one of the principal negotiators; along with Hardenberg/von Humbolt (Prussia), Nesselrode/Rasoumoffski (Russia), Castlereagh/ Wellington (Great Britain), and Talleyrand/Dalberg (France). In this congress, Talleyrand and Metternich had great participations. Talleyrand achieved the political and territorial balance of Europe for the next 50 years. In contrast, Metternich recovered the Austrias’ lost territories during the French Revolution including Venetia, but Belgium. (Wikipedia, 2014)
     All in all, this two personalities can seem very different; however, there are some little similarities that can be observed during their careers. Both were great diplomats and politicians, because they searched for their countrys’ interests. As ministers of foreign affairs, the both used tricks, threats and bribes to get whatever they wanted. In addition, Metternich and Talleyrand received numerous royalties and awards, because of their great skills and efficiency. 


Bloy, M. (2002). The Congress of Vienna, 1 November 1814 — 8 June 1815. Obtenido de The Victorian Web :
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand. (2004-14). Obtenido de Biografías y Vidas:
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand. (enero de 2014). Obtenido de Wikipedia:
Klemens von Metternich. (2014). Obtenido de Wikipedia:
Príncipe Klemens de Metternich. (2004-14). Obtenido de Biografías y Vidas:
Siglo XVIII. (marzo de 2014). Obtenido de Wikipedia:

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