domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Studies Related To History

Studies Related To History

Which of the related studies will I find the most interesting?

History is the science that studies the human past. But it also have studies that are related, such as geography, cartography, economics, psychology, anthropology, sociology, demographics, political science, linguistics, and archaeology. The most interesting studies for me are psychology and anthropology. I like psychology, because I am impressed of the power of the human mind. I think it is very interesting and I want to know why some people act how they act. An example a murderer, why he killed someone? What was he thinking and feeling when he killed the person? Another example can be the mentally ill, what causes their illness? I find all those questions very interesting. Actually I am serously thinking to study somenthing related to psychology. Now about anthropology, I find it interesting just because I like history in general, and the anthropology studies the origin and development of the cultures. I also want to know how they lived, how some cultures did what they did (the pyramids, Stonehage). 

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