domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Types of History

Types of History

Which type of history do I will find the most interesting...

History is a very extensive topic. There are different types of history: the political and military history, the social and cultural history, and the specialized histories. The one that I think I will find more interesting is the social and cultural history. Why? I love stories, I enjoy them a lot. I like when the teachers tell us about their expirences and adventures. When a history teacher tell me about someone's testimony I love to listen to him/her. I am interested in the way of living of the people of the past centhuries, in the way of think of those persons and in how they felt. The stories that I like the most are the ones of tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, wars, etc, what I like of those stories is that people helped each other in those situations. One of my favorite stories is the earthquake of the 85 that occurred in Mexico. I liked that story, because the people made all the rescues, they didn´t wait for the goverment's help, mexicans were helping each other. 
Going back of why I will find more interesting the social and cultural history, I will find it more interesting, because social history studies the experiences of people. The only part that I do not really like is that this type of history uses a lot of statistics and records of births and deaths and all that kind of stuff. I consider that as boring. 

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