domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

World History Reaction Blog

World History Reaction Blog

Something about me...  

My name is Julia ........... This is my first blog ever, I am doing this blog because its part of my grade in my history class, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy writing things in my blog. I like to write, I think is a really good way to express what you think and feel. When you write people won't judge you, because you aren't face to face. It's a more comfortable way for me to express my opinion. It feels very exciting when you are writing and suddenly a stroke of inspiration arrives to you. Well I have written a lot about my liking to writing, so I will start now to introduce myself. first of all the mainly information: ....................... I am mostly intersted in science, I love scince (specially physics), I also like anime (the japanese cartoons), doramas (korean dramas), the black novel (the one that is about murders), movies (comedy, thriller, action), and the theater (I enjoy a lot the musicals). My favorite food is the lasgna, I also love the pasta, pizza, and baguette (just the natural bread). I like to read, but I don't do it frequently, maybe because the book that I'm reading is not that interesting. My favorite book is Septimus, it's about a magician. I read it in 4 days, it has about 450 pages. Another gthig that I enjoy to do is to draw, but one thing that I don't like of my drawing is that I am pretty bad doing personal creations, but I copy very good (I watch an image that I liked and I start to draw it). Now talking about music, I like and enjoy music, but I'm not very musical. I use to listen to music occasionally. My favorite gender is the spanish/mexican rock and the romantic ballads. I do like music in english, I like Bon Jovi, Guns'n roses (a little), The beatles, etc; but I prefer the music in my language, because that is how I will truly understand the message of what I am listening to. To finish all the speech about me I want to say that I am still working in me, because I haven't finished to know me. 

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